"Your Legacy will be a sum total of the TV Shows you appear on, the Very Important Places you Speak, and Photos you take with famous people."
- Clint Arthur
CLINT ARTHUR: Host of The Greatest Show of All Time on 77WABC Radio in New York City
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A true master of Speaking to Sell, in 2016 Clint shattered the all-time sales record for an outside speaker at GKIC's Super-Conference.
"A charismatic marketing empresario ... (who) helps his clients stand out..."
- Wall Street Journal

"The Real Thing"
- Dan Kennedy
"Quadrupled Sales"
"Steal This
Entrepreneur's Secrets!"
"Media Trainer to
The Stars"
"One of America's Top Public Speakers"
"Why would a busy mom take the same seminar with Clint twice? Results."
- Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

- Bobbie Lind

"Doubled Revenues
& Doubled Profits"
- Kevin Fream
"Clint has UBER'd
The Seminar Industry"
- Lisa Sasevich
- Alex Mandossian

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Includes 4-Day in-person implementation event personally led by Clint Arthur, where YOU book yourself onto at least 3 ON-AIR Appearances with ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News/Talk shows -- Guaranteed or your money back + $1000 !
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BOOKS by Clint Arthur


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• Have More Fun
• Conquer Any Fear of Public Speaking
• Become the Confident & Charismatic Person You've Always Known You Could Be
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Celebrity Entrepreneurship
"The main reason entrepreneurs struggle is because they think people are buying their products or services. Especially with affluent clientele, WHO you are is more important that WHAT you do or sell. This book is the definitive guide to becoming a bigger WHO in the eyes of customers & prospects.
• What scared Brooke Shields on New Year's Eve?
• The Greatest Celebrity Entrepreneur of All Time -- He sold $3 Billion of his products and you NEVER HEARD OF HIM!
• What Celebrity REALLY Means -- and how to create it for yourself Fast

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Are you sick of being powerless to instantly differentiate yourself, your products, and your services as being CLEARLY DISTINCT and SUPERIOR to your competition? This is essential if you want to compete and win in today's crowded copycat markets, and the best, most powerful and effective way to do this is to create celebrity positioning. Celebrities get picked for the jobs and deals first, they get to charge higher prices and fees, and they get unexpected opportunities brought to them simply by virtue of their fame and known positioning in the marketplace.
What They Teach You at the Wharton Business School
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Clint Arthur inspires and educates Entrepreneurs around the world so that they can live lives filled with Freedom, Power, and Adventure.
The Greatest Book Of All Time
Personal Transformation Experience Action Guide to Accomplish Everything on Your Bucket List, Create Your Legacy, & Have The Most Fun You've Ever Had in Any Year Of Your Life; includes 60+ Hours of Multimedia Training by Clint Arthur
Are You Tired of Living "A Life of Quiet Desperation?"
Get On The Fast Track To The Life You Really Want!
The President's Code: Common Traits of Uncommon Leaders
The American Dream From their earliest days in school, American children are told that "one day they could grow up to be President of The United States." In this groundbreaking work from the author of "The Greatest Book Of All Time," Clint Arthur analyzes the basic building blocks of what our country's most uncommon leaders did to mold themselves into the stuff of Presidents. - Marital Choices - Family Decisions - Professional Avocation - Religious Beliefs - Experience in Government - Educational Background These and 7 other aspects of the men who rose to the top job in our nation's capital are deconstructed to offer clues for voters to consider and aspiring future Presidents to use as guideposts in their path to the Presidency. Biographies of all the Presidents provide additional insight into the men who led our nation. Celebrities are evaluated for their potential to rise to the nation's top job, including George Clooney, Eli Manning, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, Bill Maher, and John Grisham.
The Last Year of Your Life
"If This Was Going To Be The Last Year Of Your Life...
What Would You Want To Accomplish?"
Are you ready to live the next 12 months with no compromises -- going for everything you've always wanted, living life on your own terms, with no regrets, not waiting for anyone to give you permission?
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